I've been working on chapter three of Karma Incorporated (Vice & Virtue), and I hit a wall. I wouldn't say it's writer's block. Just wrote myself into a corner. And short of any deus ex machina or completely cheesy action hero feat, I don't see a way out. Normally, I'd say, "Okay then, I guess this character doesn't make it out alive." However, I need him later. That aside, Vice & Virtue is going to be great.

April will be a busy month. I've got La Reunion Workshop (sign up!), and I should probably figure out my presentation. Need to send an e-mail to the other presenters. April is also my month to finish the re-write on book two of Astronaut Dad, and hopefully finish Vice & Virtue and the first issue of Bulletproof West. Which, by the way, Dan Warner sent me and Jamar some character design that look really cool. The first chapter of Bolivar is done, and Diana Nock's working on the thumbnails. Damn. I also need to work on another article for D Magazine.

The goal is to have my writing schedule wide open starting in May. I'm making room for one new creator-owned project (and only one) this year. I'll be busy enough with the TPBs in the Fall, plus everything else still in progress.

Random thought, no one cares, but I'll share anyways...

In my minicomic Some Other Day, the character Mr. Donny also shows up in Karma Incorporated #2. On the back cover of Karma Incorporated #2, Emily Edison appears on the coffee mug. In Emily Edison, the teacher talks about Antigone. Antigone, page one, panel 2, has Jack Ruby on it. My Jack Ruby story (obviously) references the Kennedy assassination, which is also featured in Astronaut Dad. In Astronaut Dad, Ed Kelly makes a comment about Stan's daughter being a little "Annie Oakley" who's a character in Bulletproof West. Plus, Some Other Day, Karma Incorporated, and Emily Edison all mention the fictious wholesale company Dal-Mart.


Taken awhile ago at the Meridian Room. Photo by Bethany Keeler.

Great interview with Antony Johnston (click here).
I'm a planner, a plotter. I like to know where I'm going before I start scripting. That's why the brainstorming phase is so essential to the way I work.

I never work without some kind of outline, but the detail of that outline can vary a lot. With WASTELAND, it's relatively loose from issue to issue, because I know the characters inside out and know roughly where I want to go. But with, say, THE LONG HAUL it was extremely detailed, because it was an original cast and the book revolves around a heist. If I'd jumped in and started without a plan, I would have ended up rewriting the entire first half of the book a dozen or more times just to make sure plot points were foreshadowed and that the heist plan would work. I've never seen the point of that, when you can deal with all that in an outline.

Not that I don't rewrite or revise at all. I do, a lot. But that's because I tend to write scripts with increasing amounts of detail in each pass; basic blocking and dialogue first, then a second pass to add detail and revise pacing if necessary, and a final pass for overall polish. These stages all inevitably end up incoporating revisions as I go.


Interview with A.C. Hall on SBC's The Park & Barb Show (click here)

Josh Howard's column at Wizard (click here)

But go to the Independent forums of any comic book Website and it's practically a ghost town--an average of two or three replies per thread, and those are usually by the book's creators saying "Please read my book!" The Internet is a place where fans have complete freedom to make their voices heard, and the voices are saying resoundingly, "We love mainstream comics."

Josh is right. Wizard is what it is. An increase in indie coverage wouldn't change what people buy.

I would like a small increase in alternative/indie coverage. Is it too much to ask for four pages a month, instead of the standard two pages from their Secret Stash? Time magazine declared FUN HOME Book of the Year. AMERICAN BORN CHINESE is the first graphic novel ever nominated for a National Book Award. BONE sold over a million copies through the Scholastic Graphix imprint. PERSEPOLIS is being made into a full length animated feature. Houghton Mifflin's Best American series released a BEST AMERICAN COMICS 2006 anthology. Not to mention, DC's Minx imprint suggests corporate confidence in indie/small press styled content. Surely, there's an audience, and it could benefit Wizard to expand to four pages? I agree with Josh 100%. But four pages, instead of two. I'll put up with Wizard's bizarre Wolverine fetish if you just give me two more pages.


Not only is Becky Cloonan one of the most talented people in comics, she's also one of the smartest.

Read her post: If monthlies are wrong, I don't wanna be right! She hits the nail on the head. A b&w Shonen Jump-esque monthly anthology would be incredible for American comics. Maybe even do it in a 6x9 digest size with a spine? You'd just have to get the right creators onboard. My dream line-up: Paul Pope, Gregg Ruth, Scott Morse, Becky Cloonan, Dave Crosland, Kristian Donaldson, Christine Norrie, Colleen Coover, and Nick Derington.

That being said, with a little bit of money, Act-I-Vate or The Chemistry Set might be a perfect crew to get this started.


Jennifer Contino interviewed me for the Pulse (click here). It's my first interview about ASTRONAUT DAD. The article includes two preview pages and some promotional artwork. I also talk about the second series of Karma Incorporated.


Two nights ago, Scott Hinze and I recorded Fanboy Radio #378, the Indie Show with guests Sina Grace and Tony Fleecs.

From Pop Syndicate, make sure to read my last installment of Beneath the Underdog before I take a few months off.

The CAPE press release is out, and the media blitz has begun.

I have a message board. Very few people actually post on it. Please, go there and bother me about something, anything. Stupid question, deep philosphical musing, my opinions on a controversial issue, something bright and shiny to distract me.


Monday, and I can already tell it's going to be a busy week. I've got a meeting or teacher workshop to attend every night, except for Friday.

Fortunately during Spring Break, I got a lot of writing done. I also indulged in some good literature -- Marjane Satrapi's Chicken with Plums, On Writing by Stephen King, Lost Girls by Alan Moore and Melinda Gebbie, and I'm currently listening to the audiobook for Neil Gaiman's American Gods. Enjoying it greatly while driving in the car. Makes me want to cruise randomly around the neighborhood to burn through those fifteen cassettes. Of course, I could get a tape player and listen to it in the living room. I'll do that after I finish this post.

My other recreational indulgence over Spring Break was the Pretty Baby exhibit at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. Probably the best exhibit I've seen at the Modern. If you live in the area, you need to go, and if you don't... well, that's just sad. I'm planning to go again before it all ends on June 24. For writing Bolivar (chapter one is finished), which deals with many similar themes, Pretty Baby was a revelation. Highlights included this sculpture by Yoshitomo Nara and the work of Makiko Kudo and Loretta Lux.


La Reunion Workshop isn't too far away. I still have a lot of work to do. If you haven't signed up, by all means, sign up! Even if you don't consider yourself a comic book writer, this workshop is going to be a lot of fun. Plus, an after party at the impressive Belmont Hotel? You can't miss it.

Brock Rizy has an original Emily Edison pencil and ink drawing available on eBay (click here). Someone outbid me. The proceeds go to benefit Dave Sherrill who really did almost die.

Two days ago, Paul Milligan showed me the pencil layouts for our story. It's part of a Dash Bradley Stumblebum Studios anthology -- available locally on Free Comic Book Day. The pencils look great. I'm glad I got to work with Paul on this one.

Speaking of artists I want to work with, I sent Stephen Buell a one-page script for his Populus Ink webcomic. He liked it. And I'm rather fond of it too.


Happy Ides of March everyone. In high school, my friends and I used to celebrate the "End of the World" on this special day. We'd talk about how the world was going to end, make those last minute preparations... and then we'd wait... and wait... and nothing. Maybe next year?

By the way, why didn't anyone tell me TANK GIRL is coming back?! IDW's publishing a new series with co-creator Alan Martin and artist Ashley Wood. Tank Girl. Probably one of my favorite comic book characters on a short list that includes The Rocketeer, Concrete, Freddie Finger from Strangers In Paradise, and Usagi Yojimbo.


In this month's Viper Comics newsletter, they included a link to the complete web proof of "Viper Comics Presents" for Free Comic Book Day. Kinda cool. So if you want a copy before May 5th, check it out. The web proof includes the cover for Karma Incorporated: Vice & Virtue, plus a four page preview. (I'm assuming if Viper put it in the newsletter. They don't mind people having a look... yes?)

Also, Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir's website is now online. I designed it, and there's a lot of content that still needs to be added. The art is by Bolivar co-conspirator Diana Nock.

Speaking of Bolivar, Diana's been sending more concept art and character designs. I'm not sharing any just yet, but it all looks incredible. More or less finished with the synopsis, I'm working on the script today.

On Monday, I saw Starter for 10 with Melissa. Loved it.


Jamar Nicholas and I have been working on a story together, Bulletproof West. This project is my first co-writing experience. While Brock and I acted as a writing team on Emily Edison, when it came down to it, I was the one happily slogging through the synopsis and script. With Karma Incorporated, Tom's editorial insight was invaluable. He took issue three, which was forty pages, and cut it down to a crisp thirty. Tom also helped me through a tedious epilogue, requiring three or four re-writes. Still, our roles were pretty clear -- I sat in front of Microsoft Word. Tom sat in front of bristol board. Astronaut Dad is in the middle of a second re-write. Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir have been helpful with notes and suggestions. Bolivar is in its fourth draft of the synopsis. Whether or not A.C. Hall knows it, he's been my voice of reason. I keep asking, "Does this make sense? Does this work?"

Now for the first time, look Ma, I'm co-writing.

Can't say I'm completely comfortable or understanding of the process. My instinct is to take control of the narrative and have my way with it. I don't second guess whether or not a particular character moment is the will of the partnership, maybe with Emily Edison I did. However, Bulletproof West is coming together nicely. Storytelling by way of e-mail, after almost a hundred e-mails back and forth, the plot crawled onto the shore from its primordial ooze. Yesterday, I dug through all the e-mail, organized the ideas, and filled in some blanks. At around 2 AM, I sent Jamar a first draft synopsis, which I'm pretty proud of. Now I'm waiting Jamar's feedback, and who knows? Half of it might end up in the trash, and we'll have to start again. We've got a story though. It's there. And that's exciting.

Another thing I've noticed, when I first started writing comics, I hated writing the synopsis. I figured it was one of those things that was simply impossible for me. I was a jump-right-in kind of writer. Now, I've gotten to a point where it's an absolutely essential part of my process. And a good synopsis makes everything else easier. Heck, I didn't even know I'd get to a point where I have a process.

It came out of necessity. Didn't take me long to figure that publishers don't read scripts (maybe one or two exist, but I doubt it). They want an interesting two page to four page version of your series with a beginning, middle, and end. Omisoka Bridge was my first fully written synopsis, followed by the short-lived Rocket Science story and then Karma Incorporated. After that, everything else.


A comic book convention... free of charge? It's madness! Oh yes, the Dallas Comic Con is next weekend, March 17th and 18th. It will be at the Richardson Civic Center, and not Plano, as it was the past few times.

Media guests include:
Morena Baccarin - Serenity/Firefly (appearing Saturday only)
Clare Kramer - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Ernie Hudson - Ghostbusters
Peter Mayhew - Star Wars, Chewbacca
Walter Koenig - Star Trek, Chekov

Comic creators include:
Brian Denham - Iron Man: Hypervelocity
Scott Kurtz - PvP
James O'Barr - The Crow
Tom Martin & Chris Peel - Some Big Lumberjack
Jaime Mendoza - Uncanny X-Men
Cal Slayton - Shades of Blue
and Me

I'll be there with several copies of Smart Pop's Webslinger and Man from Krypton.

Last night, Mark Walters invited me on his BigFanBoy LiveCast. The main guest was Clare Kramer who played "Glory" in Buffy. I called in halfway through the show. I talked a bit. Fun, and a little chaotic. This mp3 goes straight to my segment.


Goodbye Agent X, I hardly knew you. I've been keeping quiet, but I was rather anxious to post that I found a literary agent. Then, alas, I un-found him. It's true. In December, I e-mailed a particular person (we'll call him "Agent X") who was interested in representing my work. I knew him through some friends. Good guy. I sent Agent X all my books, and he liked them. We even met a month ago for drinks to discuss things further. All in all, it looked like we'd be meeting again to finalize our plans. Today, I received an e-mail. Looks like it's not going to happen. No major controversy to report -- just a work load and timing issue with what he's doing and what I'm doing. Little bit disappointed, but it'll be better in the long run.

I mean, doesn't this look like a man with intense literary aspirations?

(photo by Colleen, I think)

From STAPLE!, Playground Ghosts recorded this lovely reverse psychology convention song. Funny stuff.

Also, Mangled Stare presents the Mighty Nerf Wars. Based on actual events, also very funny.


I got back from STAPLE! late last night, and skipped out on the live art show (sorry guys); a force much stronger was calling me back to DFW. I knew I wouldn't be able to make Melissa's game, but I figured I could surprise her in time to help clean up and go to the roller derby after party. She was surprised. And while those live art shows are a blast, you all survived without me. Although, I did get a missed call from Brock at 2 AM. Brock?

Speaking of, Brock's ¡Bike_Gang! was at the show in full force. He had a spiffy banner, even spiffier t-shirts, and the help of Adam and Steven. It was a lot of fun having them there. Brock printed some mini-comics, which should be available at local comic stores soon -- Orbit, a 24 hour comic and the ¡Bike_Gang! Sketchbook. For anyone who purchased these two minis, it's hard to deny that Brock has one of the most original, and off beat (in a good way), minds in comics. As someone who's worked with him, I can testify... no one thinks the way he does. I can't wait to see the completed ¡Bike_Gang!

Other stuff I picked up: I've wanted to get Crazy Papers by Jim Dougan and Danielle Corsetto for awhile, and finally did. I'll read it later today.

Will gave me a copy of Mangled Stare #4 as penance for shooting me in the eye with a nerf dart gun, point blank range. It hurt, but honestly, if it means I get such a cool book in exchange -- I'll don't mind getting shot in the eye. The story: I was talking to Danielle, when I noticed she looked off to the right. I followed her glance, turned my head and got nerf'd. All of this started, because I shot Will in the chest with a nerf gun earlier in the day. You win this round, Mangler. But at Cape, I'm bringing safety goggles.

I also got Product of the Eighties: Teenage Confessions from the Reagan Era (volume one) by Dana Jones. This mini-comic needs to be a freakin' hardcover book that you can buy at Barnes&Noble or Borders. Put it on the shelf right next to something like Post Secret and Found. Such a simple concept, amusing, witty, a sad confessional -- it's the best kind of satire.

There's more to share, but for another time. I gotta get to Gran's house for lunch.

Thanks to Rob for allowing me to stay at your place this weekend. Greatly appreciate the hospitality. And thank you Chris Nicholas, good ole Uncle Staple, for all the work you do for local comic book creators.

UPDATE: Photos from the Mangler. I love that Danielle, Melita, and myself are all trying to eat his oldest son. Here's a flickr set from STAPLE!, includes photos of right after Will nerf'd me. Another set here, includes live art show.


This next Wednesday, March 7th, I'll be signing copies of the newest Smart Pop Book Webslinger at Zeus. The event runs from 5 PM to 8 PM. The book will be sold at 25% off cover price, and spidey-cake will be served. Yes, I said spidey-cake.


Since I'll be at Staple this weekend, I'm missing Melissa's season opener, vs. the Suicide Shifters. If you're a DFW person, you need to go. It's on Saturday, March 3rd at Forum Skate (1900 S Great Southwest Pkwy) in Grand Prairie. Doors open at 8:30 PM with the skating starting at 9 PM. Expect another capacity crowd. This bout will sell-out. $12 in advance, $15 at the door. Kids 12 and under are free. As usual, feel free to BYOB, but no glass containers are allowed.

Since Melissa (Blue Monday) won't have her #1 fan there, you have to go and cheer for me. Take some signs and yell for the ladies on Death Row. Watch as they beat down those Shifters.

In non-derby news, I finally got my copy of You'll Have That, Vol.2. Our guest strip is on page 52. Wes Molebash says: "If Karl Malone and John Stockton created comics, they would be David Hopkins and Tom Kurzanski." Hmmm... an interesting analogy. Thanks Wes!


I need to mention Aaron Thomas Nelson has a fascinating graphic interpretation of his poem "Lesser Men Rule Over the Middle Lands." Illustrated by Alberto Pessoa (click here).

Also, I started reading my first right-to-left manga. Case Closed by Gosho Aoyama. So far, I'm really enjoying it.

Leaving Friday for Austin. I'll be at the Austin Books pre-Staple party that evening. Thank you Rob for letting me crash at your house. And then Saturday, it's Staple. They've posted the exhibit hall layout (click here). Brock and I are at table #8 next to Viper.


Yesterday, I finished an article, which I wrote for this particular magazine. It will be featured in their May issue. The editor said he liked my piece, thought I was good writer, and invited me to contribute more. Not a bad gig. This whole freelance thing may be worth pursuing.

Do you hear that comic book industry?! Start ordering and buying my comics, or I'm dumping you to be a freelance magazine writer guy. Whatever-the-hell they call you people.

Don't think I won't hurt you.


Diana sent me some character designs. I know she's a good artist, but... dang. You have no idea. I wish I could post the sketches, but it's too early to start teasing. Bolivar's a big project, and it's gonna take awhile.


Time to post some links.

The official website for Douglas Coupland's movie Everything's Gone Green has been updated, including a list of showings in North America. The US Premiere is at SXSW. Hmmm... will Coupland be there? Unfortunately, I'll have to sit this one out. Last year, I got into the dEUS show without a badge. It might be infinitely more difficult to sneak into a premiere at SXSW. Even if he was there, I'd rather meet Coupland at a book signing anyways.

Speaking of, Douglas Coupland posted the cover to his next novel, The Gum Thief. Unfortunately, it features (as you might imagine) a big fat wad of pink chewing gum. Melissa's not going to want that anywhere near her. The novel is set to release Fall 2007.

Here's a great Publisher's Weekly interview with Aimee Friedman and Christine Norrie about their graphic novel Breaking Up, published by Graphix. I highly recommend this book.

New York Comic Con is this weekend. Congrats to Tim Leong for being named the official NYCC video podcaster. Here's his winning entry. Notice the brief "me" cameo at the Eisner Awards.

The CAPE 3 site is now online (click here). Looks great. Kudos to master designer Chris.

The Triple-J Web Comic Line-Up
Monday belongs to Jeff Elden: The Middle Child
Thursday belongs to Jim Lujan: The Dog Hostage
Friday belongs to Justin Stewart: Popped Culture

Check out Cal Slayton's Space Tank.


Speeding Bullet Comics posted their top sellers for 2006. Emily Edison is #3 on the list! (click here) Take that Frank Miller and Scott Pilgrim! In your face, Kirkman and all your zombies! Norman Oklahoma loves us more than they love you. Our killer book signing didn't hurt. However, that was just one day. You guys had all year to catch up. Emily triumphs.