In this month's Viper Comics newsletter, they included a link to the complete web proof of "Viper Comics Presents" for Free Comic Book Day. Kinda cool. So if you want a copy before May 5th, check it out. The web proof includes the cover for Karma Incorporated: Vice & Virtue, plus a four page preview. (I'm assuming if Viper put it in the newsletter. They don't mind people having a look... yes?)
Also, Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir's website is now online. I designed it, and there's a lot of content that still needs to be added. The art is by Bolivar co-conspirator Diana Nock.
Speaking of Bolivar, Diana's been sending more concept art and character designs. I'm not sharing any just yet, but it all looks incredible. More or less finished with the synopsis, I'm working on the script today.
On Monday, I saw Starter for 10 with Melissa. Loved it.