Mark Campos of Poopsheet Foundation wrote a review of MINE ALL MINE (click here).

It's a cool site. For anyone who likes mini-comics (and who doesn't like mini-comics?), I'd recommend checking it out.

From their website:

Here at the Poopsheet Foundation our intention is to be a central meeting place for mini-comics publishers, artists, writers, readers and collectors. It's a community-driven site that's also got social networking features built in.

Poopsheet, in one form or another, has been an active concern since 1993. It began life as a small publication that reviewed other small publications. The zine eventually became a website and the Poopsheet Shop sprang from that. Owner Rick Bradford has been actively involved in the mini-comics scene since 1985 and has been running the Poopsheet Shop online since 2004.

And there you go. I recommend the site that recommended my mini-comic.