I don't really want to talk about the ups and downs with publishing ASTRONAUT DAD... again. Here's part of the story, but it doesn't end there. We just moved from CreateSpace to Lulu. Long story short, the Lulu proofs will arrive in a few days. ASTRONAUT DAD will be available on Amazon soon... once again. And you can expect the digital version sometime this summer. Hopefully. At this point, Brent Schoonover and I aren't taking anything for granted.

It's easy to talk about how great a collaboration is when everything runs smoothly. However, it speaks volumes about Brent's professionalism that he hasn't gone insane with all these revisions and corrections. Without hyperbole, we've spent hours talking on the phone about this book and easily 1,000 emails from 2003 to today. I've lost it at times, and he's been fairly zen about the whole situation. So, thank you Brent. I owe you a Lakewood.

I read through the ASTRONAUT DAD pdf file earlier today. It's a good book, and it deserves to be in print, to be fought for. I no longer feel like the writer... I'm this comic book's advocate. For those going to STAPLE!, we will have copies at the show. $15, cash or credit (via Square). If you bring your copy of ASTRONAUT DAD VOL. 1, I'd be happy to give you a $5 discount.