Last night, I sent Brock Rizy the complete synopsis for EMILY EDISON VOL. 2. Can't give any details at this point. I love the first volume, but this follow-up is going to be so much better. 200% more awesome and possibly eligible for a Guinness World Record. (Not kidding. I'm going to look into it.)

Beyond that, I hope to finish scripting chapter 2 of HOW TO LOSE BIG by tomorrow.

Also, I'm thinking about which conventions I want to attend for 2010. Financially, I've been in no shape to pay for any trips, but things are looking better. Right now, I'm planning on a booth for Stumptown in Portland and MoCCA Art Fest in New York. I want to attend Comic-Con next year, but no booth, and maybe just Wednesday night through Friday. Any thoughts on "must attend" conventions and why?