The script for my third "Souvenir of Dallas" comic has been approved. Paul Milligan is working on the art right now. He showed me the pencils, and it looks great. Expect this comic to be in the April issue of D Magazine.

Also for the April issue, I wrote a pulse article on the DMA's Comic Book Club. Hopefully, it will be included.

Daniel Warner sent me the character sketches for our short story "50 Miles to Marfa." Good stuff.

Beyond that, it's been a crazy week. Kennedy has been sick. We went to the doctor on Monday, and she's been away from daycare the past two days. I kept her on Tuesday. Melissa had her today. Fortunately, Kennedy's temperature is now down. Thus, she'll be heading back to daycare.

Tomorrow, I might see Sarah Jaffe at the Doublewide. Looking forward to it.