If you haven't heard, the Writer's Guild of America is on strike. And good for them. I register my scripts through the WGA, but I am not a member.

Thus, I'm available for hire. Yes?

To the producers of Battlestar Galactica, Bionic Woman, CSI, Friday Night Lights, Grey's Anatomy, Heroes, House, How I Met Your Mother, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (please if there's a God...), King of the Hill, Lost, My Name Is Earl, The Office, The Riches, The Sarah Silverman Program, The Simpsons, The Wire, and anyone else on this list -- let's do lunch. I'm not cheap, but I'm your's if you want me. Sorry WGA. I have bills to pay.

The irony is, once I get my screen credit, I'd be eligible for the WGA. Obviously, I would want to sign up. And thereby be obligated to join the strike.

Or better yet, if someone wants to option KARMA INCORPORATED as a television series, we can get to work on that after the strike is over. (Do you like how I assume the whole world is reading my blog?)

**UPDATE** If you read the comments section, I've decided to join the strike in solidarity even though I'm not a credited screenwriter. So to all those producers I mentioned above, screw you guys.

**UPDATE TO THE UPDATE** Just kidding with the whole "screw you guys" comment. I'm sure you're all nice people. To the producers of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, call me...

**UPDATE TO THE UPDATE OF THE UPDATE** I should clarify. Since the WGA doesn't include comic book writers, I will not stop from writing comics. I will only cease from writing any screenplays for film and TV, which I don't do anyways. But now, I'm "not doing it" as a statement.

**UPDATE TO THAT LAST UPDATE** Don't take any of this seriously.

In other news, we've been racing to get ASTRONAUT DAD printed and shipped before Wizard World Texas. That's next week. I counted, and today I've received no less than 37 e-mails on all the little details concerning the printing. It's been hectic.