The June issue of Comic Foundry is now online -- absolutely one of the best sites when it comes to reporting, profiles and interviews.
Make sure to check out the article "Read This, Fund Your Own Comic". I was quoted at the end:
"BitPass can do for comics what iTunes is doing for music," Hopkins says. "And it can be profitable." But what the industry needs, he says, is a mega-networking portal that can host literally hundreds of different creators and their individual portfolios -- rather than require the reader to seek out each creator individually.
In other news: Holy crap! Daisy Kutter got nominated for a Harvey Award, and deservedly so. If you haven't read Daisy Kutter, it's amazing. Not only that, Joshua Fialkov and his book Elk's Run received seven nominations! Adhouse's Project Superior got a well-earned nomination for Best Anthology. Congratulations to all of you. (the complete list)