WeMissAllTheGreatPartiesMy short story collection — WE MISS ALL THE GREAT PARTIES — is now available on Amazon, both paperback and Kindle ebook editions. Support the indie author in your life (that would be me). You'll be surprised. Indie authors look and sound like real authors, except they get a larger percentage of the sales revenue! It's amazing.

Actually, I don't know if this is true. However, I do know that I'm not handing over a percentage of my book's revenue to a publisher to tell a distributor that I'm good enough for them to list my book, and I'm not paying an agent 10% to tell the publisher that I'm good enough for them to read. And I'm not paying a publicist to tell readers that my book is worth their time. I'm just giving a huge chunk to Amazon, and they're selling my book.

Welcome to the outland territories of American literature. I can't promise you I will ever be legit. But I won't stop writing, and rudely shoving it in your face. Thus, we're at an impasse. You will simply have to take a chance on my book. It's scary. It's reckless.


The book contains 10 stories about odd encounters and personal exploration. More specifically:

A young man in search of meaning connects with his dead girlfriend's son. A group of men in Wisconsin start a poetry group while waiting for their favorite bar to be rebuilt. A woman discovers her husband has been hiding a secret. He also wants to rob a bank. A basketball player continually relives the last six seconds of his worst game. An amateur chess player encounters greatness. A girl attempts to leave a small town. But before she goes, she learns the story of one who stayed.

These stories span a variety of genres, technical approaches, and perspectives--one story is a parody, another is written entirely as a series of conversations, one story is a family melodrama, another is a contemplation of pro sports and time travel.

This 10-month project, which turned into a two-year project, represents what I love most about short stories: the opportunity to experiment and play, to expand a condensed world.

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