Since going over the cliff as a full-time freelance writer, I haven't had as much time to devote to comics. If Quick still existed, I would definitely continue WE'VE NEVER MET (read the saga on my published works page, scroll down). However, beyond that, I've needed to focus my work on words without pictures. That doesn't mean I'm not still thinking longingly about comics. I just have to be a little more patient and strategic about the comic book projects I take on. Here's one: Brent Schoonover and I put together a story called PETITION TO THE GODS. Brent included a sneak peek on his beautifully re-designed website. Take a look: It's about as dark a story as you're ever going to read. You might not imagine it coming from me since I can't stomach most horror films. Who knew I had it in me?

If you're a publisher and you're reading this, and you're not a wimp, you should publish PETITION TO THE GODS. Hey there. Wink.

This story takes place in Venus, Texas. The September short story (coming soon) also takes place in Venus. It might be my favorite small town.