My books were published in this order: Emily Edison, Antigone, Karma Incorporated, and Astronaut Dad. However, they were written in reverse order. How does that happen? Astronaut Dad was the second comic book I ever wrote, even before the mini-comic I self published. I didn't think I could find a publisher for Astronaut Dad, so I tucked it away. Karma Incorporated was published as a three issue series, but the trade paperback didn't come out until a few months ago. We wanted to get the second series approved before we released the first, and that took some time. I wrote Antigone next, but wasn't too happy with the first version of the script. While Tom and I waited to get approval on the second Karma Incorporated book, we decided to finish Antigone. Then I wrote Emily Edison with Brock.
Thus to suggest that my work gets "better and better" would actually depress me.
It takes so long to get a comic book on the shelf; I'm amused when they come out in this order. To continue this tradition, the first chapter of the new Karma Incorporated was written a few years ago, and it'll be ready sometime this year. Likewise, there's tons of stuff I've written in the past two years that hasn't been published. One would think I'd try to write something, get it published, and then write something else. Instead, I tend to write lots of stuff at once, all in various stages of completion. Bolivar should be next. But since it looks to be my longest project yet, who knows?