There's a five page preview of Astronaut Dad on Newsarama. (click here) Any affirmations posted on the forum would be greatly appreciated.

Good news: Brent finished the last page of Astronaut Dad, Volume One! We're getting ready for the printer. Thank you Brent and Justin for all your hard work on this project. Amazing talent. Also, I saw the proof for Karma Incorporated, Volume One. Very excited with how it came together. This will be a great trade paperback. My dear friend Scott Hinze wrote a very kind introduction.

This weekend on Saturday at 6 PM, I will be signing at Hastings Bookstore in Round Rock Texas. All proceeds from the event benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Random: Have you seen Josh Boulet's artwork?! (click here) I've been a fan for a long time. Damn. Pick up one of his books.