7/5/05 ~ If it's too good to be true...

...it probably isn't. But then again, sometimes you get fortunate. Good news. The Karma Incorporated release party has been confirmed and everything is set. On Tuesday, July 26th at 8 pm, we're debuting Karma Incorporated #1 (not the San Diego exclusive, but the one which will be in stores the following day... same content, different cover). The party will be at the Gypsy Tea Room in Deep Ellum. Cover is $5. And every person who comes gets a free copy of issue #1. The band Happy Bullets will be performing, which is really cool. Their newest album "The Vice and Virtue Ministry" feels like it should be the Karma Incorporated soundtrack, seriously.

click here for all the details

click here for a printable flier (pdf)

For those people who live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, please bring as many friends as possible. I'm going to try my best to promote it. Tomorrow, I'm driving to Dallas to get the fliers put up.