4/8/05 ~ Comic-Con or Porn-Con

For your consideration:

To: Wizard Entertainment Group

This is a call for a clear separation of non-comic book, pornographic booths from comic book related booths at all Comic Book Conventions.

Comic books, as other forms of entertainment, are created for all ages. Some books are for children, others for adults, while some appeal to a wide range of age groups. The issue the undersigned of this petition are concerned with is pornography that has no relation to comic books whatsoever.

While some adult comic books feature nudity and/or sexual content, they are still comic books first. It damages the credibility and affects potential sales of comic book creators when their booths are positioned directly alongside pornographic booths that have no basis in comic books.

In terms of the comic book industry as a whole, the casual mixing of non-comic book based pornography with comic book related booths causes widespread harm to creators. When families can no longer walk the aisles of a Comic Book Convention without worrying about coming face to face with non-comic book based pornography, it detracts from the entire industry, and makes it that much more difficult to gain momentum.

The undersigned call for a clear separation of non-comic book based pornography booths from comic book related booths. Non-comic book based pornography should be located in a separate section that is clearly marked with warnings and easily avoidable by those people that do not want to come in contact with non-comic book based pornography.


The Undersigned