A Pronunciation Guide to the Dryad’s Crown

This guide is the author’s suggested pronunciation for the characters and places, which he provided to the audiobook narrator. Keep in mind: it’s a fantasy book. You can pronounce these characters and places however you want to pronounce them. Don’t feel like you’re obligated to follow this guide, and please don’t pick on anyone who pronounces a name differently than how you do. (Is it AUS-dray or Aus-DRAY? You’re fine either way.) The only real concern is that you enjoy what you’re reading.

Albjorn — al-bjirn
Ald'yovlet — AULD-yohv-let, yohv like “jove"
Amoet — AY-moh-et
Amon — AY-mun
Annet — ann-et
Arelius Fall — ah-RAIL-ee-us fall
Aubec Skarsol — AH-beck scar-soul
Ausdre — Aus-DRAY (“Aus" as in “auspice," and Dre like Dr. Dre)
Belgore — BEL-gohr
Bren Caius — BREN like “Wren," KI-us (like the Roman name)
Callis — CAL-is (“s" sound at the end, not a “z")
Cerneboch — sir-NAH-bock
Corrinae — CORE-ih-nay
Cyruth — SIGH-rooth
Dahlia Tulan — DAH-lee-ah too-lane
Dodrik — doh-drik
Durahal — durah-hall
Eirwen Frost — AIR-when frost
Efre Ousel — EF-ray OO-zhul
Efrynir — eh-fear-eh-near
Feste — fest
Golwin — Goal-win (Yep, as in, score a goal, and you win!)
Gydan — GEE-den (“Gee" as “gee-tar,” the southern way to say “guitar”)
Gymin — GUY-mihn
Halsten — HAL-sten
Hazelef — Hazel-eff
Hrutib — hROO-tib
Igvan — ig-vehn
Ilset — ill-set
Jori — JOR-ee, JOR like “chore"
Kaleb — No different than “Caleb”
Keote — KEY-oat
Kyran Bloom — KIGH-ran Bloom
Lilit — lil-IT
Maricel — MAIR(like “hair”)uh-sel
Mendal Caius — men-dull KAI-us (like the Roman name)
Olar — Oh-LAR
Olstel — ohl-STELL
Olvi — ohl-vee
Oren of Angnavir — OR-en of ainguh(try your best to make it one syllable)-nah-veer
Oshmeldai — osh-MEL-die
Penderyn — PEN-duhr-IN
Qotha’tunach — qoth-AH-two-NACK
Raustfweg — RAHST-fweg (Yes, an “fw" sound, my apologies)
Roby Roundtree — ROE-bee round-tree (“Roe” like “Roe v. Wade”)
Rue — ROO
Shirin — sheer-een
Silbrey — sil-bree
Skuldi — skull-dee
Sven — sVEN
Taraki — Tuh-RAH-key
Timon — Like from Lion King
Udger — UHD-ger
Usios — EW-see-ohs
Vasterghent—VASStur-hent (the “h” is pronounced in the throat like the Hebrew “khaf,” but subtle)
Vasilisa — VAUsy-LEEsa (Russian)
Vindel — vhin-dell
Volir — vol-eer
Wardi — WAR-dee
Yoon — Like “June" but with a “Y"
Yurig — yer-IG