Wear Chainmail to the Apocalypse Book 1: The Beginning of the End

This is the end-of-the-world you've been waiting for! The sweet-Jesus-pandemic-martial-law-nuclear-wasteland-horror-theme-park level event you always dreamed it would be, it’s here. Lucky you. Did you prepare for the end? Do you have chainmail? If there’s one thing I know, it’s that you should always WEAR CHAINMAIL TO THE APOCALYPSE.

Tom the Copywriter (definitely not an avatar for the author who also happens to be a copywriter) joins a group of knights from a dinner-and-joust theatre company (definitely not a knock off of some other well known Medieval Times™ entertainment venue). They travel in search of a better life. But obviously, it wouldn’t be a story, if it were easy.

Diseased hordes! Guns! Swords! Packs of angry abandoned house pets! Overly researched details about horseback riding! Creepy retail outlets! Small towns! Thoughtful commentary about the world we knew! A plot-relevant chicken!

With so many apocalypses to choose from, don't settle for cheap, imitation apocalypses.

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