

Written by David Hopkins
Illustrated by Brent Schoonover
Lettered by Justin Stewart
164 pages

Over fifty years ago — October 4, 1957 — humanity entered a new age with the launch of the first artificial satellite, Soviet Union's Sputnik I. Return to those early days, when John F. Kennedy challenged a nation to place a man on the moon before the end of the decade, when the nation sought out test pilots with "the right stuff" to ride rockets into the night. Astronaut Dad follows three NASA families from Houston, Texas during the boom years of the space race.

“Astronaut Dad is a loving reminder of America’s investment in the space race, and how real people were at the heart of our quest for the stars. Well worth taking a look, and bound to hook you once you do.” — B. Clay Moore, writer of Hawaiian Dick and The Leading Man

“Writer David Hopkins though does not take the easy way out and does not push the readers’ face in the fertile setting. He lets the characters do the talking and through the characters we get a feel for the era.” — Bart Croonenborghs, Broken Frontier

“It’s a sweet, touching book” — Michael May, Newsarama

“To put it simply – and it should be, given that David Hopkins’s story is simple yet sharp, its focus narrow but highly refined – the script is extremely well written, combining characterization, humor, and even touches of romance deftly and effortlessly.” — Marc N. Kleinhenz, Silver Bullet Comics

“Equal parts tender and thrilling, Astronaut Dad is the perfect marriage of story and art.” — Joshua Hale Fialkov, writer of Elk’s Run